Vagyonmegosztási lehetőségek házastársak között
Fortunately, our legal system allows for control over your properties after, even years after, you get married, as well as over the division of properties once the relationship has deteriorated. Nevertheless, new circumstances calling for clarification of the property rights between the parties may arise in a marriage even if the relationship works out particularly well – such a situation may be brought about by changes in the ownership structure of a family business or by the need to separate business risks from the family property. In the latter, quite frequent, case the question often arises in respect of business processes and the indispensable concomitant changes, for example, depreciation, indebtedness, sudden growth or successful sale of the business, whether the company’s assets are community or separate property of the spouses, or whether the dividends paid from a business treated as separate property qualify as community or separate property.
Given that the subject of fiduciary asset management does not belong to community marital property, it may represent an ideal solution in cases where an asset – such as a family inheritance – is not intended to be made part of the community property shared with your spouse. Fiduciary asset management offers numerous possibilities to resolve such situations: an option to identify the spouse as a beneficiary, or even to set up a pre-defined system for taking care of family members.
Even in such cases, our staff can provide effective and professional help with maximum discretion to our clients: holding years of experience and a comprehensive legal, financial and administrative background, we ensure, with the involvement of experts, if necessary, that our partners’ assets are kept safe and keep growing. Please contact us with confidence.